Branch Elections
On November 19, 2022, between 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Arizona time, the election of officers and At Large members of the Executive Committee of the East Valley NAACP was conducted by the National NAACP using Election Buddy. By default, ballots were emailed. There was no in-person voting, nor mail-in voting.
The Candidates Corner was available for members to review the campaign materials from candidates.
Written notification of the election was mailed to all members in good standing with instructions and timeline for the election. In order to vote in a Branch election, the person had to be a member in good standing of the Branch 30 days prior to the election, and they had to use the Election Buddy system.
2022 Candidates
Below is the 2022 slate of candidates. Thank you to everyone who answered the call of leadership.
Candidates for President
o Kiana Sears
Candidates for Second Vice President
o Nadia Khalighi
Candidates for Secretary
o Michelle Rose
Candidates for Treasurer
o Angela Copeland
Candidates for the Executive Committee At-Large Members (3 seats available)
o Betty McGee
o Kenja Hassan
o Timothy Bradley
o William Smitherman
There were no candidates for First Vice President, Assistant Secretary, nor Assistant Treasurer.